For the faint of heart,


It’s Summer;

The heat, the comfort, the anger, and life throws you onto the next.

The comfort you are looking for is hardly kept.

 “Yet, he amps me up; he is what I run on.

My gears are stacked, words elude me like a bufoon;

They slip my mind like water does my fingers;

They get tasteless, colourless imprisoning me in swingers”

Metallic and rusted, but you are not a bystander

“A mirage I saw, I couldn’t believe

You’re not Adam, I am not eve

But you stood right there and said

I am with you, so rest your head.

I confess that each time I had no sooner poured my heart to you,

than I wished I’d swallowed it with a pinch of a scream instead.

You’re unruffled, peaceful, unstressed

You grease my ears with some misery, I laugh and lay dead

I get all aflutter each time I know who you really are.

You can be my diamond, and I shall break your star!”

Beware we share a lot,

That can be bad, and it could be good!

 The commonality is eerie and dazzling

“I know that happiness doesn’t grow on trees; it’s puzzling.”

Shopping around lovers’ windows choosing a breath

You can lay next to without holding up your utmost strength  

“I once took great exception to love,

When I am with you, the butterflies dance with doves,

Try as I might to push you away,

but you awaken the logic in me and you stay!

 It’s much the better for me to stay by myself,

Taming my emotions and putting it on a shelf”

Ah! Idiot.

Mistakes are bound to happen.

Don’t think you’re done for like what happened in Kindergarten

“I fear to end up heartbroken”

It’s overwritten.

Happiness and love cannot be bestowed on you from no where.

Don’t paint yourself into a corner, you can get there.

It is no treading water.

It’s not like catching a lightning in a bottle

It’s easy as breeze, just don’t let it squeeze

The sanity in you by thinking it is mad

I know that you cannot steer clear of the demons, I know you are sad

Your demons are there and I -God be my witness- know

Devouring you, but he is giving you a wake-up call

Answer and relish,

It just started. Don’t let it perish

Call life’s bluff

Don’t startle; revive your heart,


You’re a lovely painting with some scars. 



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